How to Beat pre-exam Anxiety: Check Out All The Reasons

Typical pre-exam anxiety is quite typical. However, extreme anxiety and tension can have negative consequences. Numerous students experience test anxiety or examination anxiety relief strategies. I am among them.

I’ve always been anxious about examinations, particularly when I had to take my boards. There was a great deal of pressure to get into the college of your choice. While a certain amount of exam-related tension can be beneficial, excessive stress can cause some individuals to perform unfavorably on extremely important tests.

In my case, the pressure to succeed and perform well is not exerted by my family or instructors, but rather by myself. Obtaining high grades and achieving success is crucial to me. This is the source of my anxiety during exams. I experience panic attacks, start perspiring profusely, and overanalyze what might occur if I don’t perform well. Several activities assist me in overcoming tension.

Exams not only present us with an obstacle of evaluations that we must overcome but also a multitude of anxious emotions.

Unfortunately, a significant number of university students experience exam anxiety and do not always deal with it effectively, which can negatively impact their grades.

For the sake of one’s well-being, it is crucial to discover ways to surmount these fears.

How to Beat pre-exam Anxiety – Anxiety Relief Strategies

Be organized

Exam season is approaching; therefore, you should not put off studying and revision until later. When you are overburdened with multiple due dates for assignments and schoolwork, time passes quickly.

You receive the syllabus at the beginning of the semester so that you are aware of the exam dates. Instead of likely stressing a few days before the exam, begin studying weeks beforehand; small bits of information, so that you’re processing more frequently and are prepared proactively.

By doing so, you reduce the tension associated with “not knowing anything.”

Be optimistic

When people are anxious and fearful of failing, they often remark, “I don’t think I can do it” or “I’ll probably fail.”

You are not being practical and beneficial if you do not encourage yourself. You have many upcoming evaluations and a busy schedule; mediocrity is the last thing you need.

Sometimes we need a companion or a partner to cheer us up and make us feel better, but they are not always available. Therefore, you must be your own person, so be positive and encouraging of yourself!

Say it aloud if necessary, as long as it makes you feel good and gives you confidence that you can pass your exams with high marks.

Address your difficulties

If there is material you have not fully comprehended, do not save it for the last minute! You would only increase your anxiety.

Do not leave your concerns unresolved. It is certain that reaching out and addressing your problems will make you feel better and reduce your anxiety.

Self-care is essential, and regardless of how busy you are, you should never neglect it. Diet and exercise have been shown to reduce stress and anxiety.

Take a brief pause and perform some exercises between study sessions. This not only increases your metabolism but also stimulates your intellect.

Even better if you have time to work out at the gym! In addition, consume nutritious food; the kind that will energize you. Numerous iron, vitamins, and protein will be of great assistance.

Eat Correctly.

Your body requires the nutrients it obtains from sustenance to function correctly. The food you consume affects your physical and emotional state. For example, foods high in lipids or sugars can make you feel lethargic or weighed down. When our body has the necessary sustenance and nutrients, it is much simpler to manage stress and anxiety.

Rest well.

Relax before bedtime. Your bed is a refuge, not a workstation. A decent night’s sleep helps you retain what you have learned. Get adequate rest, particularly in the days preceding your exams.


Physical activity, such as running and swimming, will leave you calm, revitalized, and energized for hours. So incorporate exercise into your schedule.

Distraction Techniques. Use a stress ball, gum, icy water, fidget devices such as an elastic band on your wrist, or molding putties to manage your stressful or anxious feelings.

Positive thoughts or encouraging statements. Worry thoughts or negative thoughts such as “I am going to fail” or “I can’t do this” should be countered with positive thoughts or encouraging statements such as “I’ve got this” or “I’ll try my best, I know my stuff”. Post these affirmative or motivational statements throughout your study space.

Relaxation Methods.

Utilize breathing exercises to reduce feelings of tension or anxiety when researching or writing exams. For instance, close your eyes for one minute, inhale for three counts, exhale for five counts, and repeat. It only takes a moment and relaxes your body and mind, allowing you to concentrate more effectively.

Talk with somebody. If you continue to feel excessively anxious, speak with someone you can trust, such as a parent, teacher, counsellor, or friend. Sometimes, simply talking about a problem can make you feel better, and the person you speak to may help you face the problem in perspective.

Ultimately, do not lose sight of the fact that although things may appear intense at the moment, this will not last eternally. Finding positive and healthful outlets and coping strategies for exam stress and anxiety relief strategies can help you feel more in control.


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